15 May 2007

Deference vs Entitlement

This started as a comment on Talkleft in a piece by Jeralyn. But with the breadth and wisdom of dkos I wanted to have more discussion and comment. Now with my own Spot, if stumbled upon please engage.

Oh, and btw on dkos, I'm known as TexDem. Hence the new nome de plume, Travelin Tarheel.

Rep. Heather Wilson and Sen. Pete Domenici were wrong in making their calls to USA David Iglesias. What made them think they could make the calls? Rep. Wilson and Sen. Domenici are not dumb. Are they a symptom of the GOP or of the greater sense of entitlement that all of our elected representatives feel?

There was a reason our founding fathers established that there be no Titles of Honor. No Dukes or Princes or Barons. The bestowing of a Title confers upon the recipient an entitlement and no one in America, where every man is created equal, is entitled to anything. And don't confuse rights with entitlements, they are not the same. We have over the years given office holders a certain bit of deference, however it seems that we as a nation should rethink even this.

It appears that holders of high office don't consider this deference as deference but entitlements. No one is above the law in this country and no one is due any special consideration when running for re-election. If a prosecutor is investigating a situation and has yet to determine that a crime has or has not been committed then any pressure put upon them to lean one direction or the other is by definition and action interference with a officer of the court in the performance of their duties. And there should be consequences for those actions.

As a layperson this appears cut and dry. But as a legal matter it may be a bit murkier. Lay this out to anyone on the street in a generic scenario and that will be the majority response. When partisan lenses are added positions unfortunately change. That is more a sad commentary on today’s society.

Rep. Wilson and Sen. Domenici were and are wrong. In days long gone when we had such a thing as honor in this country they would admit their actions and accept the consequences. But in the words of the "Duke" (John Wayne); "that'll be the day." ("The Searchers", 1954)

Something to keep in mind. When one accepts and admits one errors, the consequences are often not as harsh as when one denies and is ultimately proven to be a liar. Errors are sometimes forgiven, lies are often treated harshly.

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Pilot Mountain

Pilot Mountain
Southbound on US 52